

TPC Weekly Update 4/11

Posted by North Bay Aquatics on Apr 11 2020 at 04:49PM PDT


Hope all is well! Great to see so many of you on the Zoom call. We will do the next one on Sunday 4/19 at 10:30am.

FAMILY – Show some gratitude! A lot of people are working hard to keep things going…nurses, teachers, grocery store workers, parents, kids, pets, etc. I challenged everyone at the Zoom mtg. to do something to show some gratitude – chalk some thanks on the sidewalk, leave some flowers for your neighbor who is a fireman, call your grandparents, etc. It’ll make you feel good—and them as well!

SCHOOL – School is back!

Make sure to set up a routine which has some movement/exercise.

Don’t forget to breath…


Keep up your fitness level and maybe tap into some new strength.

Be innovative in your workouts! There’s a lot of ways to stay fit. Lily Kilgore went for a swim in the lagoon, Esme is swimming in her new homemade pool , William is boxing, Sophia is entering a virtual running race.


We watched Ryan Murphy (Go Bears!) win 200 Back at 2014 NCAA’s

Also, Coach Marco has updated our website with lots of goodies

See you at the pool, eventually!, Coach Mike