TPC Weekly Update 12/11
2 weeks left in the Fall session—we end 12/21! Normal this week EXCEPT, this Wednesday Group 3 (only) has been invited to join the Pre-Sr. Group at Redwood 5:15-6:45. If you can’t make it to Redwood, join Group 2 on Wed. 4:15-5:15 at TPC.
12/15,16 NAPA this weekend! if you have a swimmer attending, plan on timing a shift or two…best seats in the house!
1/19,20 ZONE 3 CHAMPIONSHIPS in SANTA ROSA NOW OPEN FOR ONLINE SIGN-UP : This meet does have qualifying times (listed on the meet sheet). If you have achieved times that qualify at an unsanctioned meet (Spooky Plunge for example), you can use those. If you need times, please email me, and I can help you out.
2/15-18 ARIZONA!!! Devon has requested a headcount—so if you are planning on attending, please let her know ASAP (
Next Thursday, Dec. 20th. in the TPC CAFE. Bring a dozen cookies to share with your fellow swimmers. We put them all on a table, and in a civilized fashion, take a certain amount (usually around 4-6). We will try to have some hot cocoa as well! We will have an ALL GROUP practice beforehand—staggered a little so everyone ends at 5 right before the cookies!:
Group 3 3:30-5
Group 2 4-5
Group 1 4:15-5
In its final stages..Online Registration up soon. The dates for the Winter session are: Jan. 8 – Mar. 15.
I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. — Lily Tomlin
See you at the pool, Coach Mike